Mava Foods represents the changing food movement. A step away from bottom line oriented business in favour of health and planet conscious products. The entire MAVA Food line is all natural, British Columbia and Alberta sourced and packaged in recyclable containers. MAVA Foods provides a product that appeals to the new generation of conscientious consumer without sacrificing the convenience of prepared meals. Produced in Richmond British Columbia in a 6,500 square foot HACCP certified facility, MAVA Foods ensures all steps of the distribution and production chain are controlled and documented. With regularly performed internal audits and practice recalls we maintain confidence in the food safety of our products. Our production includes Health Check certified complete Home Meal Replacements, the first on the market, 23 Food for Life products, a Meals on Wheels program for Burnaby, RIchmond and Vancouver and to private label products for our distributors and grocery chains.
MAVA Facts: