
Chef's secrets and food facts
- Whole melons will last for a couple weeks if kept cold. Cut melons wrapped in plastic wrap will keep for a few days
- Don’t wash berries until you need them
- Strawberries will last longer if stored in the refrigerator in a container that allows air to circulate
- Blueberries are an antioxidant and are higher in Vitamin C
- Never leave a moldy piece of fruit or berry lying next to a good one, it will cause the mold to spread quickly
- Cook cranberries only until they pop as any longer will make them taste bitter
- When cooking fruit, always add a tablespoon of butter and it will eliminate over boiling and excess foam
- Shredded grapefruit is a great addition to any fish salad or dish
- Adding salt to any melon will make it taste sweeter
- Kiwi may be used to tenderize meat. Also papaya
- If you sprinkle lemons or limes with water and then refrigerate, they will last for months
- Submerge a lemon or lime in hot water for 15 minutes before squeezing and you will get 90 percent more juice
- Brown spots on oranges, indicate a good quality orange.
- by soaking an orange in hot water for 15 minutes before pealing, all the white will be removed from the meat with the peal
- peaches ripen quickly by placing them in a box covered with newspaper
- If you put oranges in a hot oven before peeling them, no white fibers will be left on them
- Ripen pears quickly by placing them in a brown paper bag along with a ripe apple.
- to ripen a pineapple, cut off the top, remove skin and slice. Place into a pot with simple syrup and broil for five minutes, cool and refrigerate
- to prevent soggy salads, place an inverted saucer in the bottom of the salad bowl. The excess liquid drains off under the saucer and the salad stays fresh
- never use fresh pineapple for salads where you want the gelatin to set, pineapple contains an enzyme, that causes gelatin not to set-up
- eating a lot of parsley makes your skin sensitive to light
- wash all fruits in cold water but do not store in water as they will loose a lot of their nutrients
- to crisp up a green salad, place it in the freezer in a metal bowl for 5-10 minutes
- if you sprinkle salt in the water when you are washing vegetables, it will draw out insects
- If you sprinkle salt in the water when washing lettuces, it will drawn out any sand
- Always line your refrigerator drawers with a double piece of paper towel to absorb moisture
- To make crisp pickles, cut off ¼ inch from each end. This is where an enzyme is stored that may make your pickle limp
- Add a small piece of fresh horseradish to your pickles. It will keep them crisp and slightly spicy
- Spinach should be washed in warm water quickly
- Coleslaw will taste better if you use sweet pickle juice instead of vinegar
- Parsley will cure bad breath
- Do not buy asparagus if they are soaking in water
- The water that you cook vegetables in is rich in vitamins and should be used for soup
- If asparagus is tough, peal the stems and it will be soft
- Always leave the pit in guacamole dip as it will keep the dip from turning black
- Avocados will not ripen if placed in the refrigerator
- If avocados are ripe, store in refrigerator and they will last longer
- do not soak fresh beans in water as this will make them turn
- Soy beans have all the essential amino acids that the body needs
- Beans contain 22% protein, beef has 18% and eggs 13%
- When making cabbage rolls, freeze the whole cabbage first and the leaves will come apart easily
- to curl carrots, peel slices first and then drop them in a bowl of ice water
- the tops of carrots should be removed before storing in the refridgerator as the tops drain the moisture of the carrot and make them go limp
- Frozen vegetables are already cooked and only need to be re-heated
- For cauliflower to remain white while cooking, add lemon to the water
- Prior to cooking cauliflower, soak in water haed down for 30 minutes to remove insects and dirt
- When you boil cauliflower, add a piece of bread to water to eliminate odor
- Celery leaves can be dried and put through a sieve. These dried flakes add flavor to soups
- Celery and lettuce crisp up[ quicly by placing them into a pan of cold water and adding a few slices of raw potato
- For a similar taste to cooked cabbage, use a combination of celery and lettuce
- To make corn sweet, add a bit of milk and sugar to the water while boiling
- to remove silk from corn, use a food brush
- to lighten the colour of corn, add a few drops of vinegar to the water
- do not store cucumbers near fruits as the ethylene gas will make the seeds harden
- romaine lettuce has six times as much vitamin C as iceberg lettuce
- the outside greener leaves of the lettuce contain more nutrients than the inner leaves
- to store mushrooms, place a piece of paper towel into the paper bag or container to absorb moisture
- If you want to maintain the whiteness of mushrooms while cooking, add a few drops of lemon juice
- To insure that you are not eating poisonous mushrooms, sprinkle a bit of salt on the gill side of the mushroom. If they turn yellow they are poisonous, if they turn black, they are safe to eat
- If you only need half an onion, use the top half. The root will stay fresher longer in the refrigerator
- When you place dried peas in the water, the good ones will sink top the bottom and the bad ones will float on top
- When making stuffed peppers, coat the outside of the pepper with vegetable oil and it will retain its colour
- You may cook peppers in muffin tins to retain their shape
- Soft skinned squashed should be stored in the refrigerator while hard skin squash should be stored in a cool dark place
- Squash is a good source of beta-carotene which is one of the best antioxidants
- store tomatoes with the vine stems down
- ripen tomatoes on a counter out of direct sunlight as the sunlight removes their vitamin C
- to make the perfect French Fry, cook at 325 F heat first to blanch. Remove and cool. When ready to eat, cook at 360F heat
- To make a delicious French fry, coat with flour first
- to make a potato salad quickly, cut the raw potatoes into bit size pieces and boil
- TO keep peeled potatoes white, store in cold water with a few drops of vinegar
- Baked potatoes should be pricked with a fork first as this releases the steam and potato will not become soggy
- To store potatoes, place an apple with them and they will not sprout
- There are few nutrients in a potato skin, most are just under it
- Do not eat green potatoes
- Leave the skin on potatoes while cooking and they will retain most of their nutrients
- potato chips are 61 percent fat
- potatoes have 10 time more fat than popcorn
- to lesson the effects of alcohol, take a vitamin and mineral supplement while drinking
- Chocolate contains oxalates and theobromine which effects how the body utilizes protein
- Tea and red wine contain tannins which help the body utilize iron, thiamine and B12
- When your body is under stress, it is suggested that Vitamin C is needed in large amounts up to 100 times your daily intake
- Adding one teaspoon of pure crystalline vitamin C when you get up in the morning will result in a bowel movement in around 30 minutes
- Vitamins keep their potency longer if kept in the refrigerator
- Antacids consume a lot of vitamin D
- stress and oral contraceptives rob your body of vitamin B12
- smoking, stress, alcohol, antihistamines consume a lot of vitamin C
- the lowest quality of meat and poultry is used for canned goods, frozen TV dinners and foods
- when boiling eggs, if the shell cracks while boiling, remove from water and apply a generous amount of salt over the crack, this will seal the egg and keep the white within
- Store cooked eggs in aluminum foil and twist the ends as this will keep the product fresher
- to clean egg off plates and utensils, use cold water as it will come off easier
- to tell how old an egg is, place into a pot of cold water. If it lies on its side, its fresh, if it floats to the top, it is old
- by adding salt to the water when boiling an egg, it makes them easier to peel
- use a glass , enamel or stainless-steel bowl when beating egg whites to retain their colour
- When using eggs to bake, let them warm up to room temperature
- When beating eggs, let stand at room temperature for 30 minutes as this will increase their volume
- if you are one egg short when baking, add two tablespoons of mayonnaise as a substitute
- By adding some food coloring to boiled eggs, you will be able to tell the difference between fresh ones in your refrigerator
- the slightest trace of egg yolk in your egg whites will cause you difficulties in beating the whites. Remove all traces with a Q-tip
- If your omletes stick to your pan, try rubbing the bottom of the pan with a piece of paper towel dipped in table salt
- Nutritionally, there is no difference between white and brown eggs
- To reduce the amount of fat and cholesterol in recipes, use more egg whites than yolk. You will not be able to tell the difference
- If an egg has a crack, do not use it as it might be contaminated
- Frozen foods tend to be more nutritious than canned foods
- by refreezing food, you lower the quality
- Freezing food absorbs the moisture out of the product
- Bakers yeast will keep in the freezer for years without going bad
- When freezing meat, it will keep better in butchers paper that has wax coating
- Freeze fish in discarded milk containers full of water
- left over whipped cream can be frozen by placing first dollops onto a sheet, freezing and then putting into a plastic bag
- brown sugar will not harden if kept in the freezer
- Coffee remains fresher if wrapped tightly and frozen
- when freezing casserole, cook for a shorter period of time, cool quickly and freeze. When you want to use, thaw and bake. Casserole will have that just baked look
- potatoes will become mushy when frozen in soups or stews
- waffles and pancakes may be frozen, then thawed and cooked in the toaster for breakfast
- to freeze pies or pastry, do not bake first. They can be baked from frozen state and turn out fresh
- olive oils do not need refrigeration and will keep longer than other types of oils
- to remove fat from a liquid, simply pour into a container, cool and then skim off the top
- When making oil and vinegar dressings, add two lecithin capsules and the dressing will not separate
- to keep cooking wine from going sour, add a teaspoon of oil to it.
- when baking cookies, brown the outside edges only and cool on cookie sheet before removing.
- to remove fat from a sauce, place an ice cube on the top. The fat will click to the ice cube and then remove quickly
- never allow oil to heat to a smoking state as it might ignite. A good oil to use is canola or corn
- olive oils are the best fats to use in salads or in a wok.
- re-using bacon fats contain the highest percent of trans-acids which are bad for you
- if the oil in your food is listed as Hydrogenated, the product is high in saturated fats
- always purchase oils dark in colour of in tin cans
- young turkeys and chickens have less fat
- 75% of the calories in bacon come form fat, the same amount that comes from cheddar cheese
- most butters and margarines contain about the same amount of saturated fats
- to keep cheese moist, wrap it in a soft cloth wrung out of vinegar and wrapped with saran wrap. Store in the bottom of your refrigerator up to three months
- most cheese are naturally white, colour is added
- the chemicals that are used to alter cheeses are used for making cement, bleaching clothes and producing cosmetics
- the wax coating on cheese will protect it. If there is an exposed edge, try covering it with butter
- cottage cheese will remain fresher for a longer period of time if you store it upside down in the refrigerator
- Another way to prevent mold from appearing on cheese ius to store it in a sealed container with two lumps of sugar
- dishes with cheese should be cooked slower to avoid curdling and stringiness
- to cut cheese, cut it with a warm knife and it will be like butter
- dried out cheese that is free of mold can be grated and used in cooking
- soft ripened means that the curing process occurs from the outside or rind of the cheese. Bacteria which grow on the surface of the cheese assist in the characteristic flavor.
- unripened cheese, like cottage cheese, is consumed shortly after manufacture
- semi soft ripened cheeses ripen from the inside as well as from the surface and contain higher moisture than firm cheese
- firm ripened cheese utilize a bacteria culture throughout the whole cheese. Low in moisture
- very hard ripened cheese are cured with the aid of a bacterial culture that contains enzmes.
- fall is the best time to find lower beef prices
- meat turns grey while cooking caused by excessive steam
- when cooking a dry piece of meat like a wild duck, cook a goose with it and use the fat from the goose to baste the meat
- hamburgers cook faster if you make a few puncture in them before cooking
- to slice meat thinly, try partially freezing it first
- tomatoes added to roasts will help tenderize them naturally
- in choosing your bacon, choose the one with more meat as the fat contains nitrates
- pork sausage and breakfast sausage may contain up to 50% fat
- hotdogs labeled all meat or all beef contain at least 85% meat
- lean veal contains as little as 1/10 fat as regular lean beef
- lean ground beef may contain as much as 22% fat
- one pound of barbecued steak contains as much carcinogens (cancer forming agent) as the smoke from 15 cigarettes. The dripping fat on the charcoals caused a chemical substance to be released – used foil
- papaya, pineapple or lemon are natural meat tenderizers
- to prevent the fat from splattering when frying sausage, try flouring them lightly
- chilled ground meat makes it easier to make hamburgers
- a quick way of flouring meats is to shake them in a brown paper bag with the flour and seasonings
- by adding rosemary to ham, you bring our the flavor
- always cook a roast with the fat side up as this will increase the flavor of the meat
- to increase the flavor of lamb, rub rock salt, garlic, rosemary and olive oil onto it four hours before cooking
- when frying meat, sprinkle paprika over it and it will turn golden brown
- when cooking a roast, place cut carrots, onions, celery and garlic on the bottom of the pan. After cooking is completed, drain off liquid and make a flavorful gravy
- liver will be more tender and flavor full if you soak in milk for 1 hour before cooking
- to eliminate the gamey flavor of wild meat, soak overnight in a cola beverage
- if you wish your ham to be less salty, sprinkle a can of ginger ale over it and cook
- to make individual meat loaf servings, cook it in a muffin tin. This will save at least 30 minutes cooking time
- a substitute for bread crumbs is quick rolled oats
- when cooking venison, try adding a few grapes to the bottom of the pan for a unique flavor
- to thaw meats quickly, place under cold running water, not hot
- thaw meats out in the refrigerator, not your counter top, when time permits
- to keep meatballs from falling apart when cooking, place them into the refrigerator for 30 minutes before cooking
- a 3 pound chicken will yield only 2 and 1/2 cups of cut up meat
- a lower of moderate cooking temperature will produce a juicer chicken as more moisture will be retained
- when stuffing a turkey, try putting a cheesecloth inside the cavity. Makes for easy removal
- the larger the chicken, the older the bird and cooking temperatures should be slower so as not to get tough
- only use old hens for making chicken stock as the flavor will be in the bones
- don't buy birds that are injected with a basting solution. You are only paying for extra fat.
- always remove all stuffing from your fowl before refrigerating as bacteria will have a chance to grow until
- when making sandwiches for your lunch bag, don't let your lunch become soggy. Rather, wrap separately the tomato, pickles or any product that you are adding to your protein.
- store raw meats below cooked meats in your refrigerator to insure no contamination occurs
- wash your cutting board with a mild bleach or all vinegar after cutting raw meats as this will sanitize it
- never eat foods directly from a jar or can, saliva may contaminate the contents
- peanut butter should be stored in the refrigerator after opening to keep the fats form becoming rancid.
- your can opener should be washed after each use. Food left behind may be contaminated after a few days and cause food poisoning
- peanut butter will remove gum from a person's hair
- research indicated that people who eat more vegetables are less likely to gain weight
- refrigerate apples as they ripen ten times as fast at room temperature
- all vegetables are low in fat except avocadoes and olives
- poultry will keep longer in your refrigerator if wrapped in wax paper versus saran wrap
- to remove the odor from chicken, rub the bird with juice of ½ lemon and ¼ tsp. salt
- always cook fish at a moderate temperature never over 350F
- if you doubt the freshness of a fish, place it in cold water, if it floats it has been caught recently
- thaw frozen fish out in milk as this will draw out the frozen flavor and provide a fresh taste
- if you soak oysters in soda for five minutes, they are easy to take out of the shell
- a 3 and ½ ounce serving of sardines is higher in calcium and phosphorus than a glass of whole milk
- all shellfish are high in sodium
- fresh seafood has no smell, bacteria start breaking down seafood almost immediately after they are caught
- the safest fish to eat are halibut, sole, tuna and commercially raised trout
- when choosing your fish, the eyes whould be bright and cleat and somewhat bulging
- never eat any clams or mussels that when cooked, do not open their shell
- by washing your hands in cold water before handling fish, they will not smell fishy
- if you are planning on BBQing fish, select a high fat one so that it will not dry out while cooking
- lemon juice rubbed on fish before cooking will enhance the flavor and help maintain a good color
- when frying fish, sprinkle alittle bit of salt on the bottom and the fish will not stick
- when cooking shellfish, use a heavily salted water to draw the sea salt out
- after boiling potatoes, use the water to polish silver. Just put the silver into the warm water
- tomato juice will remove ink stains on clothing
- orange juice can be used to clean chrome
- banana skins, buried just below the surface of potted plants, provide an excellent source of plant nutrients
- egg white sponged on leather will revive its luster
- half a lemon dipped in salt will clean copper or brass, then rinse in warm water and polish with a soft cloth
- a few drops of vanilla extract placed in a bottle top in the refrigerator will remove odors
- dry mustard will remove onion odors from your hands or cutting board
- glue or gum from labels can be removed by using vegetable oil
- if you burn your tongue, try sprinkling a few grains of sugar on it for instant relief
- to polishing brass by using a small amount of Worcestershire sauce, clean off, then polish with olive oil
- if a grease fire starts in your kitchen, put it out with flour, salt or baking soda
- to remove grease stains on your carpet, try placing corn starch on the area, overnight and then vacuum up
- butter milk can be used to soften dry cheese
- plain yogurt can be used to relieve vaginal itching
- cold tea is a good cleaning agent for woodwork of any kind
- by adding a bottle of coke to a load of greasy work clothes, it will help loosen the serious dirt
- lemon extract will remove black scuff marks from luggage
- stains from ball point pens can be removed by sponging the area with milk until it disappears
- when making lemonade, put the lemons through a meat grinder to get more juice and richer flavor
- to slow down the speed of alcohol metabolism, eat fatty foods
- to make an excellent dessert with left over rice, add whipped cream and fresh fruit to it
- if you run out of chopped nuts, try using a course bran, you will hardly notice the difference
- to cook pasta ahead of time of when you want it, simple cook till almost done, remove from heat and run cold water over pasta. Then drain and coat with oil. When you need to use it, simple reheat in boiling water and serve
- Lasagna noodles do not have to be cooked. Simply make lasagna like you would normally but with dry noodles and add one can of tomato sauce and bake normally.
- never add salt to rice during cooking, it will toughen the rice
- to keep the rice white during cooking, add a few drops of lemon juice to the water
- always add salt and oil to your water when cooking pasta as it will enhance the flavor and keep pasta from sticking together
- when cooking rice, add enough water to make the level, three inches above the top of the rice
- wheat durum pasta will never become mushy no matter how long you cook or hold it
- when heating buns in the oven, place into a brown paper bag with a few drops of water and heat at low temperature
- always bake biscuits on pans without sides, the heat circulates more evenly
- for a hard to knead doughs, try oiling your hands before working it'
- if you wish to keep bread crusts soft while baking, place a small pan of water in oven while baking
- if you serve warm rolls for dinner, place a piece of tin foil under the cloth in the basket. The rolls will stay warmer longer
- freshly baked breads should be cooled on a rack so that air can circulate. Otherwise, the bread will become soggy
- to make cutouts from bread slices, try freezing the bread first. This will give your clean sharp edges
- to keep bread fresh when freezing, place a paper towel in the bad to absorb moisture
- dripped coffee has almost twice the caffeine as espresso or instant coffee
- beverages that contain caffeine may cause your skin to premature aging as it dehydrates your skin
- caffeine takes approximately 30 minutes to affect your brain and lasts for 2-6 hours
- a dash of salt added to your ground coffee will enhance the flavor
- opened coffee cans should be stored in the refrigerator as it will remain fresher
- withdrawal symptoms will appear if caffeine is discontinued., This usually starts with headaches
- to eliminate weeping meringue,. Try leaving the meringue in the oven until it cools
- to eliminate fruit juices from soaking into your crust, brush first with egg whites
- adding a teaspoon of vinegar to pie dough will guarantee a flaky crust
- always serve a soufflé on a warm plate. This will ensure it stays puffed up longer
- to keep waffles from sticking to a waffle maker, brush first with paraffin wax while skillet if hot
- when making pie dough, it is better to use lard than butter as your crust will be flakier
- to keep fruit cakes moist, wrap in cheese cloth soaked in brandy or similar liquor
- the best way to cut angle food cake is with an electric knife
- always bake an angle food cake on the bottom rake as it will contain more moisture
- sugar cookies will not get stiff or tough if you roll them out in sugar instead of flour
- always add a couple tablespoons of flour, corn starch and butter to a berry pie so that the liquids will become solid after the pie cools
- if you must cut a cake while it is still not, use unwaxed dental floss instead of a knife
- place a layer of marshmallows on the bottom of a pumpkin pie before baking . After it cooks, the marshmallows will have risen to the top and made a crust
- icing will remain where you put it if you sprinkle the cake first with powdered sugar
- cutting a pie with a soft filling is best done with a buttered knife
- to soften up hard sugar, place a half of an apple in it for a few days
- to keep wax paper on your counter when rolling dough, wet the counter first
- make chocolate slivers by using a potato peeler on a candy bar
- when baking any pie or dish with a graham cracker crust, dip the pan in warm water for 10 seconds and it will be easier to remove the crust in one piece
- coat fry fruit and nuts in flour first when using in a batter as they will not fall to the bottom of the pan
- always place crisp cookies into a container with a loose fitting top so cookie will remain crisp. Soft cookies should be stored into a container with a tight lid
- if you use Corning Ware dishes in the oven, you can reduce the heat by 25F for cooking
- when cooking vegetables in the oven, use only vegetables with a high water content so they will not dry out. If you leave the skin on, most of the nutritional value will be saved
- when cooking potatoes in the oven, it is best to pierce the skin with a fork to allow the steam to escape
- No More need for starter fluid on your BBQ. Simply place enough briquettes into a grocery bag for one BBQ and light. The bag and the charcoal will catch very quickly
- window cleaner sprayed on a warm grill will make it easier to clean
- spices should never be stored near a microwave exhaust or range. The heat will make your spices become unusable
- if you are making a gravy and it is lumpy, use a blender to smooth it out
- if you have a problem with your gravy not browning properly, try adding a small amount of coffee. The gravy will not have a coffee flavor
- soups are always better if they get a chance to sit overnight. Also, the fat will rise to the top and can be taken off easily
- when making a soup with pasta or rice that has to be added, only put the starch in close to the end as the pasta will absorb the liquid and become mushy
- if there is too much garlic flavor to your sauce, place some dry parsley into a tea ball and place into mixture. The garlic flavor will be absorbed by the parsley.
- when making a sauce that calls for wine, add 1 tbsp. of wine per one cup of sauce or soup
- to make a lower calorie whipped cream try subsitituting one half with stiffly beaten egg whites
- by adding water to your omelets instead of milk, they will be lighter
- to open a stubborn screw top lid, hit it hard in the center with a spoon and then turn
- When you cook peas, add a few pods to the water and this will increase the flavor and color
- to save about 15 minutes from the cooking time of a baked potato, insert a nail into the center
- Alcohol and excess sunlight rob your body of Riboflavin B2
- When beating egg whites, add a teaspoon of cold water and this will give you almost twice the volume
- Unsalted butter will keep in the freezer indefinitely whereas salted butter is best used in six months
- to test the doneness of cakes or baked goods, put a toothpick into the middle and pull out. If cake sticks to toothpick, bake longer. If toothpick pulls out smoothly and clean, cake is finished
- it takes eight pounds of milk to produce one pound of cheese so one ounce of cheese equals the fat and protein of one cup of milk
- blue-vein ripened cheese cure with the aid of a mold bacteria and it will grow throughout the inside and produces a unique flavor
- rotisserie cooked meats and poultry contain less fat
- when cooking meat in the oven, place a piece of bread under the roast to prevent sticking
- dark meat in turkeys is higher in fat than white meat
- frozen fish is easier to skin and fillet than fresh ones
- for a brighter shoe shine, place a few drops of lemon juice on your shoes when you are polishing them
- to improve the taste of tomato juice, add cut up piece of green onion and celery, stir occasionally for a few minutes to release flavors
- to remove rolls or muffins more easily, try placing directly from the oven on a wet towel for 30 seconds first
- to make a delicate cake, use half unbleached white flout and half whole wheat flour
- add a tablespoon of maple syrup to pancake batter to improve the taste
- after you cook a custard, place either a piece of wax paper over the top or a thin layer of butter to avoid a skin from forming
- the best way to BBQ fish in with the original skin but that is not available, try wrapping it with lettuce leaves
- when BBQ shisk-a-bobs, use a wooden schewer soaked in water and place meat on one and vegetables on another as they both require different cooking times